Entrepreneur at heart
Being in business for your self is certainly not for everyone. It takes a special kind of individual. There is certainly nothing wrong with going to work at nine o’clock in the morning and getting off at five. They collect the same paycheck day in and day out, normally. Even if the company they work for isn’t having a very profitable week. When they get home at the end of the day they don’t give their job at a second thought. Most people stopped their work week on Friday and don’t even want to think about it until Monday morning. I on the other hand, have never been wired that way. I would think to myself, why am I working for someone else when I could be doing that on my own and making all the money? Well, let me be the first one to say that there is a lot more to it than just that.
Being in business for oneself can be very tough. There are certainly no guarantees. No matter how good of a week you had prior, every Monday you are starting over with zero. That being said, there is also no limitation on your earning potential. I used to pray to God to help me figure out what it is that I should be doing for a living and how should I go about it. I have always been a student of people, and I can remember being at a very busy shopping mall in the middle of winter and I was just watching people walk by. I noticed that most everyone had on some type of custom T-shirt or other type of apparel with embroidery applied to it. I remember thinking to myself that I could sell that. I don’t know the first thing about it, but I did believe that it was marketable.
I have always been of the opinion that you can learn a great deal of information, just by studying your competition so I started to research all of the other St. Louis screen printing and embroidery companies in the area. I actually went into a few of their shops in order to watch their employees do their production and I can remember thinking to myself that they made it look so easy. So I went out and bought some very old equipment, and proceeded to get some business cards printed up and started going door to door and introducing myself as a St. Louis T-shirt printing and custom embroidery company. I was well aware of the fact that the employees that were walking around that particular office was already wearing screen printing on their jackets and hats. So I had to go in there with an attitude that invaded a lot of confidence not only in myself, but my ability to get their job done correctly and on time. I learned the importance of asking the right questions, such as how was your stock currently and if you don’t need any at this particular moment in time, when do you think the next time you will eventually be in the market for some more? They would normally tell me to give them my business card and they would be sure to at least give me a call at that time. That seems like such a long time ago, although it really hasn’t been. My industry has changed leaps and bounds since then. We now are a St. Louis digital T-shirt printing company that has access to the very finest and best equipment that is available.