Benefits of Today’s Technology
Have you considered starting your own custom screen printing or embroidery company in St. Louis, MO? This may be the day to do that. Are you looking for freedom and flexibility in your endeavors? Twenty five years ago things were very different without the personal computer and the World Wide Web. It is a reality today that we are can do business, not only in our own city, but also nationally and internationally today. We can just as easily sell custom screen printed T-shirts to someone that lives 25 miles away from us in St. Louis, MO as selling to someone that is thousands of miles away. Because of technology, we are not tied down to a desk, talking on a land line. Screen printing and embroidery business can, and most often is, done via email. Usually a potential customer finds us on a search engine, such as Google. They put in a relevant search term, such as St. Louis custom screen printing, St. Louis tee shirt printing, or St. Louis custom embroidery and our web site shows up on the landing page. They would click on our web site. From there it is very simple to pick out your tee shirt, cap or other apparel. Then you would just email us for a quote for a specific type of t-shirt, the number of t shirts, and the placement of the image (e.g. the left chest, big front, back of the shirt, etc.). Along with all these specifics, you would send us your image that you wanted on the shirt. We would then send you a quote from what you request. Don’t get us wrong, it takes work and determination to start your own custom screen printing or embroidery business in St. Louis, MO, but the opportunities are there more than ever to succeed because of modern day technology. We rarely make cold calls anymore. Our potential customers come to us at the time that they need our screen printing or embroidery services. What wonderful benefits that we have today that we didn’t have 25 years ago! Because of technology, our customer base is endless.